
The theme is: God’s Divine Design in You

Level 5 is all about discovering life, self, faith, and God on a new level. As the girls are maturing and life is changing, so are their bodies, ideas, emotions, logic, and view of the world. This is the perfect time to explore it all with God, their mom or mentor, and their Sonflower friends!  IMG_6342

Reading this year is with the girl’s mom or mentor, sharing together the classic: Beautiful Girlhood. Worksheets contained information about life skills such as Making or Breaking a Habit, Setting Goals, Finding a Mentor, Conflict Resolution, Personal Care and Safety, Building Character, etc.

Additional personal questions to explore how preciously unique they were made by God are in the worksheets. This information is then applied to the craft: the ongoing work on a multi-media art piece that is all about who they are designed to be!  The girls will be so excited to display this on their wall at home and it will serve as a constant reminder of all that went into creating them, and all by an intentional, caring Loving Father.

Book List:

Beautiful Girlhood by Karen Andreola

The Christian Girl’s Guide to ME: The Quiz Book

Sprouts FlowerBuds Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10