
Why Sonflower Girls?

Sonflowers always follow the Light!

If you watch a sunflower, the head of the flower will follow the light of the sun as it crosses the sky each day. Because we love and follow Jesus with our hearts, we, too, follow Jesus’ Light, the Light of the world, throughout our days.

Throughout each level,  girls learn about their hearts, how to fix them on Jesus, and how to turn them toward His light throughout their days.

Then, they reflect His light and shine on others, too!

Jesus said: “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

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What is a Sonflower Girls’ Group?

A group of mothers and daughters or mentors and girls that come together for the purpose of mentoring in God’s Word and love. Using the Titus 2 method, women get to show girls who they are in Christ (beloved princesses!) and all the goodness God has for them. Throughout the curriculum, the girls’ identity and self-esteem are grounded in Biblical teaching through lessons, character development, emotional awareness, profiles of women of the Bible, Christian princess storybooks, missionary profiles, and other trusted Christian books. All of this is done in a creative way through the fun of a tea, crafts, shared experiences, memories, and support for each girl through their Sonflower Girls group. These groups are built of edifying, faithful relationships with potentially life-long Christian mentors and friends to build up and guide girls in righteousness, relationships, and life skills during their formative years. Faith is walked out in a tangible way as a support network and accountability partners are built with Sonflower Girl peers and their God-seeking Mentor Moms.

Sonflower Girls exists to support and equip mothers and mentors to disciple girls around the globe in loving Christian communities through a multi-level, structured discipleship program along with resource materials, media, training, and education.  Each group is formed through step-by-step instructions that offer enough flexibility to meet each unique situation, promoting success and longevity wrapped in overwhelming blessings.

At Sonflower Girls we are committed to helping each woman and girl to know just how deeply God loves them and that they were beautifully created on purpose and for a purpose. We want to help girls grow in their relationships with God through the emphasis of reading His Word regularly, talking to and hearing Jesus consistently in prayer, and walking along others in love and service as they grow together in faith and life skills. Girls need to know that there is a God that so deeply loves and cares for them and a Savior that wants to interact with her everyday so they can walk out this life and the next together. Then, as her life is enhanced and she is able to walk well, she is able to share this love and hope with others as she is encased in a multi-generational, Godly circle of support. Sonflower Girls are growing to change the world.


Sonflower Girl curriculum can be easily adopted to work for your group’s particular commitment level, available time, or situation: It can be used as a weekly summer schedule, school year program (after school, lunch, or homeschool co-op program during the school year). Some have created a condensed ‘camp’ or a virtual component. It can also be used in a one-on-one setting. Instructions for each of these situations are included in the Leader’s Handbook.

Typically one mother takes the role as the Leader and each mom or mentor serves as a Helper Mom/Mentor once or twice by providing snack and/or craft support–IF that is how your group decides to run. The Leader’s Handbook offers many ideas and variations such as a situation where moms can’t be involved or leaders divide up meetings or roles differently. The point is to help you shape your group to run most efficiently for you–with tips on how to do it in the most economical way. On that note, each book gives experience on how to run a group on a budget using local libraries, shopping at garage sales, and making things cheaply yourself. I would be glad to assist you in making that happen on any budget. Again, the important part isn’t the fan fare or decorations or snacks (although so much fun!), it’s the discipleship: getting your little Sonflower’s face to latch onto the Son and follow Him across the sky in all His Glory!  Something she won’t want to miss!!



Important Note:

When we think of Titus 2, Biblical mentoring, many times we think of older women helping younger women, like a new mother. But what if mentoring started earlier? What if we began as early as preschool to help direct the steps of little girls? What if we gently took their little chins and lifted their faces upwards to the Light of the Lord, fixing their eyes on the only True, Life-giving, pure Love they will know on this earth? What if we showered them with His goodness and grace and let them feel His love wrap around them? What if we also gave them a group of other faithful little girls to walk with side-by-side on this path? What if they had several Mentor Moms to hold their hand through all that is before them?

Let’s bring back the art of discipleship and grow a new generation of deeply rooted, faithful women! Let’s fertilize them with His Word and protect these tender little shoots with careful gardening of their hearts. Let’s help them along and give them the tools they need to shoot straight up in the Lord knowing they were given life on purpose, for a purpose, to be Loved, and to uniquely shine God’s glory! You will never be so blessed and neither will they!

The vision I hold for Sonflower Girls is this: to help girls grow in their relationship with God through the emphasis of reading His Word regularly, talking to Jesus consistently in prayer, and walking along purposefully with the help of God’s leading and strong Christian mentors directly from a girl’s own family, church, neighborhood, or community. The girls will develop support through both the relationship and communication with mentors facilitated through the workbook pages and life-long Christian friendships to encourage and keep each other accountable to God’s Word and Love.

I see Sonflower Girls growing in three areas:

1. Facilitating lasting, local discipleship groups, mentoring relationships, and friendships of girls through the creation of Sonflower Girls groups and use of Sonflower Girls curriculum.

2. Collecting and housing testimonies of a living God active and involved in women’s lives today as well as missionaries of the past.

3. Teaching girls spiritual and life skills through Biblical principles via digital interviews, lessons, and interactions by Christian subject matter experts housed on this site.

More resources are coming. Check back!

Sonflower girls are…

….growing to change the world!

May God stir your heart to stir the heart of others! God bless you!

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Sprouts FlowerBuds Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10