The theme this level and next? The Battle. The Inner Battle of Spirit and WIll
We are going to start a two-year training boot camp on becoming a Princess Warrior.
This year will focus on our inner battles, next outer struggles.
In order to be a Warrior, you need training, weapons, and to know your enemy. You have to know what you are defending, who are you fighting against, and why there is even a battle.
It is hard to sort it all our but there is a battle plan written in the Bible and we are going to uncover it together. God has given us a code of honor, a purpose, and even the ending. We know the Victor to this war. We will look at the armor of God that He has given to each of us to wear in protection and the carefully laid out plans He has provided His soldiers for victory. Finally, we will make our own battle book in craft this year: a Prayer Guide.
Thankfully we have SO MUCH Help!
Another component of this year is learning about some faithfully strong females of the Bible who have done this well…as well as some who didn’t. We will examine who these women were, their backgrounds, character, and choices. What made these women different?
Book List:
Armor of God by Pricilla Shirer
Reference: Prayer by Timothy Keller