The Outer Battle Pressing In

In the last level, we began a conversation about the battle we face here on earth as Christians. We explored who our enemy is, his tactics, and our defense. As humans, we face struggles both internally as well as externally. Sometimes, it isn’t even an enemy at all, but our own wills we have to face. Identifying outer struggles, temptations, lies, and sin cycles are key. Sorting through glittery worldly logic and offerings to come to God’s clear best for us is a must–but we can’t do that without the Word of God.

Come on a journey to learn about all of this along with how to search out God’s Truth, how His Word can come alive in your life, and how He whispers to your heart.

We continue to look at women of the Bible in this level, examining the choices that were before them and the decisions they made. What can we learn from them? What does God want us to see in their stories? The Bible is so rich in guidance, compassion, mercy, character, and wisdom. We will search it out and see it through these women.

Book List:

Unashamed by Jessie Minassian

New for 2021.

Sprouts FlowerBuds Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10